Sunday, April 24, 2011

When "eat" was in the making, I was inspired with my name and logo from this piece of art in Sundance Catalog.  This piece of art allowed me to be imaginative with the concept of my business.  I have been a personal chef for the past seven years and feel so lucky to be able to do what I love for a career.  I have been reflecting on the past few years of "eat" over the weekend.  This past Friday, I taught a cooking class to a group of four sisters. I am always a bit nervous to step foot in a person's home, especially because I put my culinary knowledge and my personality out on the table....literally!  They were the nicest group of sisters and not once did I feel like I was working.  I realized then that I do what I love because I LOVE it, not because of the dollar amount that is attached to it.  I love nurturing people with my passion of cooking.  As my business continues to grow, so does my desire to learn more about different cuisines and to be a better chef.  I feel that we can never be the best.  We can try our best to deliver our greatest potential.  I just wanted to take a moment to let my friends, family, and private chef clients know how grateful I am for the support you have given me over the last few years.  I would not be where I am today without you cheering me on and believing in me.  I am excited for you all to continue to watch "eat" grow.  Much LOVE, Katie B.

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